
How to reach me

You can contact me anytime via email at I also recommend you visit my frequently asked questions page, as many popular items, like guest posting, photography usage, etc.. have been addressed there.

You can message me on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram. I try my best to respond to questions warranting a response, but I may miss one, or it may get flagged as spam.

Question about a specific recipe?

Please review the comments on that post to see if your question has been answered already. If the question hasn’t been asked, please ask your question as a comment on that blog post. I am typically much quicker responding to blog comments!


To contact me regarding freelance work, food photography, recipe development, sponsorships, or advertising on my website, please visit my Work With Me page.

Mailing address

Jessica Gavin
8502 E. Chapman Ave. #235
Orange, CA 92869